Kristina Wandzilak, CAS, CIP
Partner & President
““We provide a place where we get to enlighten and inspire and offer hope for our clients and their families.””
Kristina Wandzilak, CAS, CIP, founder and president of Full Circle, has been a leader in the addictions industry since 1995. Kristina is highly respected and renowned for her compassionate and effective work. She is credited with helping thousands of addicts and their families through her work as an international interventionist, author and television expert. In recovery herself since 1993, Kristina brings a very personal understanding of addiction and recovery. Kristina is featured on the ground-breaking series Intervention: Codependent on LMN and A and E, following her intervention work with addicted couples.
Kristina is also the expert on the Prism award-winning television documentary reality show, Addicted.
She is the author of the critically acclaimed addiction memoir The Lost Years. Kristina can often be seen on Good Morning America, as their regular addiction specialist, commenting on addiction issues for the national media.